Monday 30 November 2020

 Hello Rooms 9 and 10,

We have just started working with graphs and data (information). By looking at a pictograph and a bar graph, we can make comparisons as to which amount is the largest, which amount is the smallest, and how much of an item we have.

The important question that we ask when we are discussing the information presented on graphs is: How do you know?  It is important for students to be able to explain their thinking and adjust their answers. This is how we learn.

Monday 9 November 2020

 Greetings Rooms 9 and 10. Just a reminder that there will be no school on Wednesday November 11th to honor Remembrance Day.

We have been discussing peace and how we are lucky to be living in a safe country like Canada.  Ask your child what is peace, and why it is important to get along with others and to be kind.

Poppies. November 11th. It is a day of… | by Patrick Hollis | Medium

Friday 6 November 2020

 Hello Parents and Guardians of Room 9 and Room 10. CJFS is asking for your technology information on how you can support your child on Google Classroom at home.  Do you have a computer, phone, ipad, or tablet to assist your child with assignments on Google Classroom?

Please let us know by filling out this survey.

Thank you.

Link to survey:

Uses of Computer - Educational Video for Children - Fun Learning Computer  for Children - YouTube